FCE / WorkWell Systems

Our physical therapy clinics in Wasilla and Big Lake are ADA, EEOC Compliant-National Providers through WorkWell Systems. WorkWell is the most comprehensive service capable of measuring and managing workplace safety and productivity and is intended for businesses that need to reduce injuries and return employees to work. The services provided are:

  • Self-Care Education
  • Work Conditioning
  • Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)

What is involved in a functional capacity evaluation?

A functional capacity evaluation (FCE) evaluates an individual’s capacity to perform work activities related to his or her participation in employment.

Who Can Benefit From an FCE?

  • Someone who has been injured on the job to determine his or her ability to return to the job or alternate work
  • Someone applying for Social Security Disability benefits
  • Someone seeking to return to work or volunteer activities after an injury or illness
  • Someone injured in a catastrophic accident (i.e., automobile accident) for whom an FCE can determine performance skills and abilities related to resuming former employment or a new job
  • Someone seeking vocational rehabilitation services
  • Students receiving transitional services from school to the work setting to determine their skills and the extent of support required to perform in a job

Brianna Versteeg PT, DPT is a WorkWell-certified rehabilitation therapist. Call us today for further information, to schedule an appointment, or inquire about educational classes for your company.